Gold Medal Nominations

You Can Identify Someone You Want to Recognize with the Gold Medal

TSS thanks you for identifying someone from our community to recognize with the Gold Medal Award.A Gold Medal Awardee should be someone who has demonstrated BOTH outstanding:

Following review of the nominations by the TSS Board of Directors, a winner will be selected and invited to present at a public award ceremony in fall 2023.

Nominations are due by July 31, 2023.

    Nominator Information

    Nominee Information

    Provide a one-page summary of your nominee’s credentials, which may include embedded hyperlinks to resumes, articles, websites, and other sources of supporting information. Please keep in mind that the primary criteria considered for selection include a demonstration of: Outstanding achievements in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) field, including STEM education, as measured by peer recognition and career contributions to a particular discipline. Outstanding contributions to expanding knowledge and public appreciation of STEM in Tallahassee and its surrounding communities.

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