Member Registration

Your membership contributes to the overall mission of the Tallahassee Scientific Society.

Annual Membership Includes:

  • Reduced ticket prices to attend nationally recognized scientists through the Horizons Spring Speaker Series
  • Priority to participate in awesome field trips led by experts in their discipline
  • Nominate a scientist from the Tallahassee community to be honored with the annual TSS Gold Medal for special contributions in science or science outreach.
  • Know you are helping a community-based effort to reach more people about the excitement and promise of science and technology.

    Profile Information

    Membership Selected:

    Personal Information

    Address (required)

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    How did you hear about us? (Required)

    Additional Donation

    Payment Option
    Select offline payment

    If you are a student, select the offline payment option and proceed to submit the form as normally.
    Disregard payment via check. Your membership is free!

    Make checks payable to Tallahassee Scientific Society
    Mailing Address:
    P.O. Box 1163
    Tallahassee, FL 32302