President’s Newsletter – Summer 2018

As we begin another year, Tallahassee Scientific Society has much to feel good about looking back on 2017-2018. Visit the TSS website and Facebook Page to stay current with all our activities.  Below are some highlights:

  • We had an outstanding line-up of speakers for the 2018 Horizon Series, starting with famed dinosaur paleo-biologist Greg Erickson, continuing with dog geneticist Dr. Elaine Ostrander from NIH, and marine biologist John Hunt about the fisheries of the Florida Keys, and ending with Gulf Coast, and Pulitzer Prize winning, author Jack Davis. I hope you were able to see a few of those!
  • I also hope you were able to participate in at least one of those terrific field trips this past year whether it was hunting for fossils with Harley Means or touring the paleobiology lab of Greg Erickson. Check out the pictures on our Facebook Page. And look for more of these experiential opportunities with TSS.

There have been some behind-the-scenes efforts that I want to share with our membership.

  • Did you know that we make donations to the Regional Science Fair that helps students travel to and compete at the state Science Fair?
  • Did you know that we award a student that presents the best poster in the History of Science category at the Regional Science Fair?
  • But the big news for this year is that we contributed $500 to ReThink Energy Florida for a camp they offered to Tallahassee Housing Authority middle school students. These are underserved students that would otherwise not be able to benefit from an enriching STEM camp. We are putting OUR money where our mouth is!

The TSS Board is putting together plans for another great year of events and activities. Look for TSS news about two upcoming fall events:

  • The Gold Medal Award bestowed annually by the Society on a scientist or scholar selected from the Tallahassee community whose career achievements in science or science education and outreach are deemed exemplary.
  • The Annual Lannutti Lecture, which is scheduled with the FSU Physics Department as a part of their Colloquia. Both dates and locations will be announced when available. You will want to put both of these events on your calendar.

As you know, our mission is to promote science in our community through these activities and other outreach efforts. But to accomplish this, we need your help to reach a broader audience. We are asking you to reach out to friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers – especially those individuals not familiar with TSS – and encourage them to join TSS. Your Board is committed to building a sustainable membership.

Best regards,

Kerry Maddox
President, TSS

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