Field Trips
The Tallahassee Scientific Society is continuing its series of field trips, which usually are Saturday morning, family friendly, expert-led outings. They are announced first to TSS members by email and later to the general public if spaces remain. Trips in the 2017 and 2018 seasons have focused on karst geology, astronomy, archaeology, dinosaur paleontology, quarry fossil-hunting, and visits to Tall Timbers Research Station and the Hopkins Power Plant. New trips are offered to members by email and advanced reservations are required. Group size is managed for a maximum educational experience, and there are no charges for the trips.
View Upcoming And Past EventsHorizons
A series begun by the local, non-profit Tallahassee Scientific Society in 2011 to further its mission to promote public interest in science and technology. The series features one presentation per month beginning February and running through April. All presentations are held at TCC’s Center of Innovation in Kleman Plaza at 7 PM; doors open at 6 PM. For memberships, tickets, and more information, go to Admission is free for all students
Learn MoreGold Medal Award
The Gold Medal Award, established in 2004, is annually bestowed by the Society on a scientist or scholar selected from the Tallahassee community whose career achievements in science or science education and outreach are deemed exemplary. Each Fall, the Society hosts the presentation of the award and free public lecture by the awardee, preceded by a reception.
View Previous WinnersScience Salons
Tallahassee Scientific Society partners with Waterworks, Bar and Grill, and to continue their mission to offer informal presentations on a variety of science subjects. Talks ranging from Red Tide to Wizards to Autism-Related Disorders have been presented. Other partnerships include the Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve & Lake Jackson Aquatic Preserve.
View Science Salons EventsLannutti Awards
Professor Joseph Lannutti was one of the most prolific innovators of recent times. He joined the faculty of Florida State University in 1957, and brought distinction to that institution through his extensive contributions to the Department of Physics. Professor Lannutti’s creative talents have also contributed to the excellence of the graduate research programs that exist at Florida State University. The fruits of his labors are seen everywhere. The Tallahassee Scientific Society was privileged to welcome Professor Lannutti as a member of the Board of Directors in 1994/95, where his timely direction and advice were very fruitful.
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