
Your membership contributes to the overall mission of the Tallahassee Scientific Society.

Annual Membership Includes:

  • Reduced ticket prices to attend nationally recognized scientists through the Horizons Spring Speaker Series
  • Priority to participate in awesome field trips led by experts in their discipline
  • Nominate a scientist from the Tallahassee community to be honored with the annual TSS Gold Medal for special contributions in science or science outreach.
  • Know you are helping a community-based effort to reach more people about the excitement and promise of science and technology.

Support and participate in the awesome events and activities we have to offer!


$ 40


$ 20


$ 10


$ 0

We encourage you, if able, to join at these higher membership levels to honor prominent Tallahassee scientists and to further support the work of the Tallahassee Scientific Society!

For other donation options, please visit our donation page.

Paul Dirac

$ 75

Supported Student Activities
Click to read bio

Harry Kroto

$ 100

Supported STEM Education
Click to read bio

Penny Gilmer

$ 200

Supported Horizons Series
Click to read bio

Al Hall

$ 250

Supported TSS Initiatives
Click to read bio